The Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) stands as a gateway for employers in Canada’s Atlantic provinces to tap into the global pool of skilled workers.
However, navigating the intricacies of immigration regulations and procedures can be challenging for employers. This is where AIPP Immigration Consultants like beGlobal step in, offering expert guidance and support at every stage of the process.

Initial Consultation

The AIP immigration program journey begins with an initial consultation. During this phase, consultants assess your specific talent needs, business objectives, and eligibility for the AIPP.

Eligibility Assessment

A thorough eligibility assessment is conducted to determine your company’s suitability for participation in AIP Program in Canada.

Job Posting and Recruitment

We assist in drafting job postings, advertising positions, and coordinating recruitment efforts to fulfill this prerequisite while ensuring compliance with program guidelines.

Candidate Selection and Nomination

Consultants facilitate the identification of qualified candidates, conduct pre-screening assessments, and assist in preparing nomination applications for submission to the relevant provincial authorities.

Work Permit Application

We provide comprehensive support throughout the work permit application process for the candidate on behalf of the employer, including document preparation, and submission.

Transition to Permanent Residency

We facilitate the submission of PR applications, supporting documentation, and liaising with immigration authorities to ensure a smooth transition for employees and their families on behalf of the employer.

Published On: May 7, 2024By

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